Partners in Crime
The members of the WSMRC like to promote the hobby of model railroading, especially model railroad clubs, events and shows in the Great Northwest. We also enjoying exchanging ideas and talking shop to members from museums, organizations and businesses as well as clubs.
Here you can find others akin to our passion for all things riding the rails.
Camano Island Model Railroad Club
The Camano Island Model Railroad Club was founded by Tom Buckingham about 20 years ago. With no club layout members meet at each others' homes, but the last few years most of the gatherings have been in Rick Troyer's garage. The CIMRRC has about 20 members on their roster with 8 to 16 or so attending the third Wednesday monthly meetings. The club is a loose organization with no dues, officers, or meeting agendas. Members bring equipment they want to test or run on the DC layout or something to sell, swap or just show off.
Most of the gang lives on Camano Island but there are some “mainlanders” who come from Warm Beach, Arlington and even Everett. Guests and new members are certainly welcome. Contact Rick Troyer at
United Northwest Model Railroad Club
The United Northwest Model Railroad Club is a Seattle based, non-profit, 100% volunteer group that seeks to better our community and promote the hobby of model railroading. They actively participate in railroad shows and events throughout the year with the club's 3 travelling layouts, as well as annually organizing the regions largest train show where all of the ticket sale proceeds are donated to charity. In the last 2 decades UNW Model railroad club has raised nearly $350,000 for charitable organizations in the region with a focus on those helping children and families.
The Bremerton Northern Model Railroad
If you are headed to the Kitsap Peninsula check out The Bremerton Northern Model Railroad (BNMR). Their clubhouse, located within Kitsap Mall (Silverdale, WA) across from the H&M store, is open to visitors every Thursday and Saturday from 12-4 pm. The BNMR is a 100% National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) club. The club has both HO and N scale layouts.
Delta Model Railway Club • Tsawwassen • British Columbia
Some of the members of the WSMRC are planning an excursion to the Delta Model Railway Club in the near future. Located in the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall in British Columbia the club operates both HO and N Scale permanent layouts, however they can also set up a temporary layout at shows and events when required. According to their website they members follow the guidelines as outlined by the National Model Railway Association. The club's facilities are available to all members every day. Members of the Delta Model Railway Club have also made plans to head South and visit the WSMRC after the 2022 Holiday Season. Click on the links below to visit their website and social network pages.
Scale Trains Road Trip Visits WSMRC
ScaleTrains is conducting a nationwide road trip to Model Railroad Clubs all over the United States. In late July 2022 Scale Trains President Shane Wilson and his entourage pulled into Alger, Washington and spent several hours in a meet and greet with members of WSMRC and the public at large. After the Scale Trains presentation in the Alger Community Church, everyone headed over to the clubhouse to run and talk trains. The Monson & Sheepscot “On21⁄2” Railroad was also on display. Click on the links below to see the photos from the session and the story of the Scale Trains Road Trip.